What is the meaning of the “custody” of a child/children ?
Custody consists of a bundle of rights of the parents over their child/children. This includes the right to care and control and the right to make all important decisions affecting the child/children e.g. education, medical treatment or religion.
What are the factors that will be considered by the Court in deciding which parent or whether both parents should be granted custody of the child/children?
In all matters relating to child/children in family proceedings, the interests and welfare of the child/ children is the first and paramount consideration for the Court. (Section 3 of the Guardianship of Minors Ordinance (Cap. 13).
While each case will depend on its own facts, the Court would usually take into consideration of the following factors and balance them against each other in making a custody order :
For legal services and advice on divorce, children custody and maintenance disputes, please contact our Solicitor & Notary Public Ms. Natalia Cheung [E-mail: cac@ccsn.hk / Tel: +852 2856 3078].